Hockey Goalkeeping

We can provide a full range of hockey goalkeeping products including – full upper body armour, chest & shoulder guards, arm/elbow guards, leg-guards, kickers, hand-protectors, abdominal guards for both men & women, padded & over-shorts, neck protectors, helmets and sleeveless or long-sleeved smocks.

We can also provide junior starter sets which are very popular.

We will be happy to discuss your individual requirements and offer our advice and expertise on what we feel will best suit your specific needs.

Below is just a small selection of the products we can supply. Please contact us if you can't find what you're looking for, or need more assistance.

OBO Hi Control Hand Protector

OBO Robo Hi Control Hand Protector

OBO Robo Hi Control Kickers

OBO Robo Hi Control Kickers

OBO Hi Control Legguards

OBO Robo Hi Control Legguards

OBO Robo Chestguard

OBO Robo Chest Guard

OBO Cloud Arm Guards

OBO Cloud Arm Guards

OBO ABS Helmet

OBO ABS Helmet

TK 4 Starter Set

TK 1 Chest & Shoulder Guard

TK3 Arm-Elbow Guard

TK 4 Body Armour

TK 2 Legguards

TK 2 Kickers

TK 2 Glove

Grays Nitro 500 Padded Shorts

Grays Nitro Overshorts

TK 1 Abdo Guard Women

TK 1 Abdo Guard Men

TK 3 Neck Protector

Need any assistance? We'd love to help!