Cricket Body Protection

To start with the essential abdominal guard, or box as it is more commonly known; the cheapest piece of protection (from £3.00) for one of the most valuable areas to protect!!! Significantly there are now specific abdominal guards for girls/women.

We strongly recommend jock shorts or briefs to ensure that the box stays in the correct place.

Thigh pad design has advanced considerably in recent years, with all-in-one Aero ‘Strippers’ dominating the market mainly due to their comfort of fit, levels of protection and versatility. They offer three grading levels which is determined by size and impact resistance. P1, P2 & P3 (only available in junior sizes).

Arm guards and chest pads are also available in both junior and senior sizes.

Prices generally range from £10 for basic single leg protected thigh pads, with the Aero Strippers ranging between £32 – £65.

Below is just a small selection of the products we can supply. Please contact us if you can't find what you're looking for, or need more assistance.

Kookaburra Protective Short Set

Gray Nicolls Jock Shorts

Aero P1 Strippers

Aero P2 Strippers

Aero P3 Strippers

ESCU Wrist Guard

Aero Chest Protector

Mens Abdo Guards

Womens Abdo Guards

Kookaburra Scuff Sleeve

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