English Willow Senior

All of our senior bats are made from English willow, to provide the best performance and durability.

This will vary with each individual blade due to the variations in structure and density from tree to tree, so we encourage customers to test bats for springiness (performance) before purchase.

Manufacturers grade their bats, which dictates the price with Grade 1 being the best. They also try to produce shapes of blade which offer different attributes, for example, a high or low sweet spot or flatter or rounded face.

When choosing a bat, the weight, balance and feel in the hand is of utmost importance in reaching a decision on the bat which will perform best for you as an individual.

Prices generally range from £110 – £750.

Below is just a small selection of the products we can supply. Please contact us if you can't find what you're looking for, or need more assistance.

Gray Nicolls Powerspot MB Original

Gray Nicolls Shockwave Gen 2.0 5 Star

Gray Nicolls Tempesta Gen 1.0 4 Star

Kookaburra Ghost 5.1

Kookaburra Rapid 6.4

Gray Nicolls Prestige

Gray Nicolls Ultimate

Gray Nicolls Cobra Blue 5 Star

Kookaburra Kahuna Lite

Kookaburra Aura 4.1

G&M Diamond

G&M Hypa

G&M Kryos

Salix AMP

Chase R7 Volante

Chase R4 Finback

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