English Willow Junior

When choosing a junior sized bat, the same principles apply as for the full-size senior bats, finding a comfortable weight, size and balance is of paramount importance. Junior bats are available in sizes from 0 (smallest) to size 6, then Harrow (largest) with some suppliers now offering small adult bats which bridge the gap between the largest junior size and a senior sized bat.

Prices generally range from £60 – £250.

Below is just a small selection of the products we can supply. Please contact us if you can't find what you're looking for, or need more assistance.

Gray Nicolls Shockwave 2.0 Power

Gray Nicolls Tempesta Gen 1.0 200

G&M Hypa

G&M Radon

Kookaburra Ghost 5.1

Kookaburra Stealth 3.1

G&M Diamond

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