Cricket Wheelie Bags

Recent years have seen a significant increase in the popularity of duffle bags, which can be carried over the shoulders as distinct from the traditional pull-along traditional wheelie. Younger children however still generally prefer wheelie bags as they find these more manageable without having to support the weight of a bag on their shoulders.

Prices generally range between £35 – £100.

Below is just a small selection of the products we can supply. Please contact us if you can't find what you're looking for, or need more assistance.

Hunts County Neo Wheelie

G&M Wheelie Duffle

Gray Nicolls Team 200 Wheelie

Gray Nicolls Team 400 Wheelie

Kookaburra WD6000 Wheelie Duffle

Gray Nicolls Team 600 Wheelie

Gray Nicolls Ultimate Wheelie

Gray Nicolls Team 250 Wheelie/Duffle

Gray Nicolls Team 150 Wheelie

Kookaburra 9500 Wheelie

Hunts County Insignia Wheelie

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